Oh, I love this, Deborah! When I was a first year student and living in a dorm with my roommate at the University of Virginia, we went Christmas caroling. We heard people outside and left our studies to join them. I was into Buddhism at that time, when I wasn't falling into existentialism. She was atheist Jew. It didn't matter.

All of us were joined together in goodwill, and the night was absolutely magical. We sang the first verses to most of the songs, because we didn't know the rest, but all I can remember is at that moment we were floating on goodwill toward everyone.

Yes, we are all connected. We just forget. May we remember more often throughout this year. ❤️

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“Joined together in goodwill!” That itself is magical. Thanks so much for reading and sharing.

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Beautiful piece, Deborah, and a lovely evocation of the true spirit of this season. The spiritual search you describe here is very close to the path I followed. Like you, I find solace in the overlapping parts. We are all connected, and that’s a wonderful thing!

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Thank you, Andrew, and Merry Christmas!

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