As always, Deborah, I so enjoy reading your words. I love how deeply you think and how present you are to this moment right now. Here’s wishing you a healthy and happy new year!


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Thank you, Barbara. Wishing you the same!

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Lots of simple and profound insights to wonder on; thank you.

“Nothing we cherish is lost. Nothing we aspire toward is unfulfilled.”

I think I get lost about here. Maybe thinking too much about what has been lost and what is yet unknown and missing the point?

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Or maybe wistful thinking on my part? Yet if we accept the premise of Wholeness, the rest follows. I know what you mean though. It is a lot to get lost in. It's almost a matter of faith. As so much of life seems to call for.

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Oh my: "This marking of time is an illusion and has no more weight than what we give it. And each year I give it less and less." I like that notion so much . If only I could adopt it.

I also have read that notion that makes existence into one ball of yarn that we are experiencing day by day. I LOVE the idea that the ball is all of us. We are the Whole.

LIfe is complex and confusing. I appreciate your pieces b/c you often can give me something to hang my hat on. Thank you so much. May 2024 offer more inspiration to all people (but especially to you!)

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Thank you, Gracie. That means a lot to me. Here's wishing you and all a constant and consistent unfolding of good in the coming year and beyond.

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