By the third stanza I started thinking it was for your son. A pleasant read as I lay beside my daughter in her room after her (successful) appendectomy.

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Thanks, Frank. Wishing your daughter a speedy recovery.

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very nice. I loved the piece about your son, it had voice and presence and I'm sure so many can relate to that painful journey. Taoism is something akin to losing oneself - there is so much merit to that process of renewal, baptism, disrobing, touching the sacred all. Reminded me of Basho's - My barn having burnt down, I could now see the moon." I often dream of being in a tippy boat with Li Po on the Yangtze, drinking homemade wine and laughing at the moon. It's home plate for me.

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Thanks David. Well put on Taoism. I hadn't heard that Basho quote. Homemade wine drifting down the river sounds perfect.

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